A little faith

Sometimes all we need is a little faith; at times we find it within ourselves and sometimes we need others to show it in us.

I was heart broken with the way people had changed their outlook towards me since the time I stood up against something wrong. Instead of being proud of me, I became the bad example.

I did not know how to deal with the changed eyes. And the worst was their stares were affecting me. I was losing faith in myself.

Nothing was able to change it. Neither my mother's consolable words nor the boost by a few friends. I was never like this. And it scared people who knew me.

But then someone understood that what I needed was may be a display of faith in me, that I could collect myself and walk again.

And listening to those words really shook me. I snapped out of the misery and the walls I had created around me, broke.

I don't know that the words said to me were true or not, but they had magic on me. I was confident and I was smiling at the people who had pulled me back.

So show faith in people or cause you believe in. You never know you might change or save someone's life.
